Outreach and Dissemination

Materials and More!

Engaging in recruitment and retention efforts means that the Recruitment, Engagement and Retention (RER) Section produces a lot of participant-facing content to assist study sites on the studies we coordinate. We work internally and collaborate with vendors to produce everything from study newsletters and websites, to physical study gifts that aid participants and help bolster study retention. If you’d like to learn more about the process behind the creation of these materials, visit our page on recruitment science. Otherwise, view some of our team’s work below.

Study Logo Puzzle

Site Engagement

The ATRI RER Section is an advocate for study sites within the coordinating center and a partner with these sites in achieving recruitment and retention goals for our studies. Without them, none of our efforts would be possible.


ACTC Member Sites

Participating Sites


Recent Events

While much of the RER team’s direct work with participants is done through partnering with study sites. Members of our team attend several local community events throughout the year, engage in national and international talks, and work to form effective partnerships with reputable organizations that share common goals. Take a look at some highlights.


Conference Photos

Click the images below to see more!

Study Websites

Outreach Videos

View more of our video content over on the Alzheimer’s Therapeutic Research Institute Youtube channel.

Language Review Committee

As part of our efforts to increase the inclusivity of our trials, we are committed to producing a vast majority of our participant-facing materials in both English and Spanish. This includes materials such as study websites, informational flyers, participant newsletters, and more.  

This process involves the translation and certification of these materials but also a review of the translations. We realize that with 1-to-1 translations, meaning can be lost and intention can be altered. As a result, an internal committee of bilingual team members review each translated document for accuracy, meaning and cultural relevance.

TRC-DS halfsheet Frank Stevens English