Welcome to
Recruitment, Engagement, and Retention (RER)
Our Mission
The acceleration of therapeutic interventions for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias through study site and participant-focused, culturally cognizant, data-driven and evidence-based approaches to participant Recruitment, Engagement, and Retention.
Who Are we?
The Recruitment, Engagement, and Retention (RER) Section, established in 2021, is one of 6 functional groups that operates within the Alzheimer’s Therapeutic Research Institute (ATRI). An institute within the University of Southern California’s Keck School of Medicine. The RER Section continually works toward its stated mission of acceleration of therapeutic interventions for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) through site and participant-focused, culturally cognizant, data-driven and evidence-based approaches to study enrollment and retention.

Core Values
What is Recruitment and Retention?
The RER Section is a diverse group of individuals with a wealth of knowledge in clinical trial outreach and participant retention. Our team applies this collective knowledge to aid ATRI in:
Participant Recruitment and Retention
R&R Operations
Before, during, and throughout the timeline of a study, supporting our sites with resources and information that will help support them in their recruitment and retention of study participants.
Ensuring that enough participants are enrolled to meet requirements and ensure a representative sample study population. increasing access and minimizing barriers to participation where possible.
Providing updates, newsletters, and supplying study comfort gifts in order to keep participants engaged throughout the duration of their studies and acknowledge the important work they are involved in.
Site Engagement
Making sure that study sites have the resources they need to maintain relationships with participants and provide support throughout their involvement in the study, which can last from months to years. Working closely with our sites through calls and communication. Providing advice and oversight on issues and initiatives.
Community Outreach
Engaging community members through events, media interviews, and public talks. Ensuring that sites and participants are kept informed and up to date on the study they have joined, and hopefully fostering a sense of community for the important work they are a part of.
Recruitment and Retention Science
Employing evidence based recruitment and retention strategies. Constantly iterating and improving our approach based on the latest research and our own data. Sharing what we learn and how we learned it in order to help our collaborators and the broader research community.
Education and Training
Providing guidance and training for the next generation of recruitment and retention specialists through internship and fellowship programs. Disseminating information through talks, conferences, and seminars.
To achieve the above aims, our team collaborates with a variety of stakeholders both within and outside of ATRI as well as study sites. Only together can we work towards efficiently and ethically recruiting participants for AD/ADRD clinical trials.
Our Commitment to Inclusivity:
The RER Section is committed to an ethical and inclusive recruitment approach that aims to engage individuals from all backgrounds. We hope to do our part in helping to empower members of groups underrepresented in AD/ADRD clinical trials to participate in clinical trials and help advance AD/ADRD therapeutics that benefit everyone.